Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Florida Most Corrupt of all 50 states, DC and Territories

An article out today in the New York Times asks, 'With all the recent hubbub circulating recently around Illinois Governor Blagojevich's spectacular scandal, is his state really the most corrupt?' Well, it depends which measurement you use, but, in short, no.

By sheer number of convicted public officials at local, state, and federal levels, Florida takes the ignoble cake. Our home state boasts 824 convictions in the last decade. That's one conviction every four days for the last ten years.

(It's no coincidence, probably, that the largest seven states by population are also the seven most corrupt on this metric. When the measure becomes convictions per capita, Florida is ranked 14th, and Washington, D.C. first.)

If only they would survey convictions by county. I wonder where Brevard would rank nationally...

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